Introducing C81 – Meet Larry - Chapter 81
January 10, 2021

Introducing C81 – Meet Larry

In this blog instalment, we meet C81's broadcast Journo, Larry

Introducing C81 – Meet Larry Introducing C81 – Meet Larry
Words by: Phoebe Ryan

We sat down with Larry Budd sometime in December 2020 to chat over freelancing during a pandemic (and contracting COVID). Larry has been working with us on a few projects too whilst working on his Northern Imposters company (and the now-viral Larry and Paul – Real Daily Briefings).   

Q: Larry. How does it feel, as our mock Daily Briefing, to have had COVID? How are you weathering the virusey storm?

Eventually the storm was weathered. It was rather unpleasant though, so I wouldn’t recommend it. Mind you, I haven’t met anyone who *would* recommend it. Apart from one or two mad people on Parler.

Q: Another lockdown. Great news? Looking forward to it? Got loads of spare self-employed moneys (obvs us self-employed types don’t need any help)?

As a proud member of Excluded UK – I’m obviously thrilled by a second lockdown. Although honestly, I thought going self-employed in MARCH THIS YEAR may have been the worst-timed decision ever, but actually it’s helped me be a bit more pragmatic about things – and not to sweat the small stuff. Although a virus is very “small stuff” – and that made me sweat a lot.

Q: Can you explain your profession for people who don’t know you?

I could try, but I may not be successful. I’m a journalist-cum-writer-cum-videographer-cum-voiceover-cum-presenter trying to be a comedian-cum-journalist-cum-writer-cum-videographer-cum-voiceover-cum-presenter. Mainly I point a camera at my business partner while he tries to be funny, then he points it at me while I try to be serious.

 Q: How has COVID affected you professionally, and what effect do you see on your industry/sector on a wider scale?

Personally, it’s caused some professional headaches, but it’s created some opportunities, so I really can’t complain. Around comedy and the arts, obviously it’s been devastating, and I fear what happens next. So many young people, especially those from poorer backgrounds, will wonder how they can possibly put food on the table in the future in certain sectors, and that’s a really sad thing. From a journalism perspective, at a time when it’s never been more important, news organisations are having to deal with massive monetary problems. That’s a worry too.

Q: As a Yorkshire lad, you know our great city well. How is Leeds holding up, do you think? What do you love about it, what do you already miss?

How many words do you want?! For me, Leeds represents opportunity and variety. I’m not someone who’s in the same bar every week (although I miss North Bar/Further North terribly) – but I know that when I want to try somewhere new, or I want somewhere quiet, or loud, or cultured, or… erm, uncultured, or up-market, or spit-and-sawdust (depending on my mood) – then Leeds has something for me. It’s home, and it almost certainly always will be, even if I move somewhere exotic, like Nuneaton. 

I think the city is coping with the pandemic as well as can be expected. I know that behind the scenes, some brilliant people are working extremely hard to ensure the bounce-back is rapid and sustainable. I’ve interviewed tonnes of business owners in the past few weeks, and I’ve been impressed by the sheer will to survive, whatever it takes. Independents will need a lot of support – and the city will change, that’s for sure. But out of chaos comes rebirth doesn’t it? Or something more erudite. 

Q: How do you think the city will fare in the long term? Any space for optimism? 

There’s plenty of space. The ambition of the city remains, and that will again manifest post-pandemic, I’m sure of it.

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